Sunday 15 February 2015

Main product - Contents Page Draft

Draft 4 feedback: even though the contents page looks finished when placed with the other products due to it being dark and the other two having quite bright simplistic tonal background i plan to alter this meaning i will also alter the colours of the mast heads and the normal text so its  easy to read and the mast head is exactly the same throughout all of my products.

Draft 3 feedback: I need to add numbers to contents page to fit conventions of professional product

Draft 2 feedback: I have changed the background and removed the images to simplify the contents page to focus the purpose of the page. Also i have removed the glow on the titles.however i think the sub titles and text need to be altered so it is a blocked colour to again simplify it and make the text easier to read.

Draft 1 feedback: The colours look brown for some reason so i will need to resolve this as it isn't part of my colour scheme. Also the pictures don't look right so i need to alter this. The font follows my house scheme but i think it looks like it is out of place.

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