Sunday 22 February 2015

Main Product - Double Page Spread Drafts

Draft 2 feedback: I need to add page numbers and re position the mast head to complete my double page spread

Draft 1 feedback : the model in this draft due to the light wings looks out of place therefore i will remove this and place both block of text infront of a solid black background.

Sunday 15 February 2015

Main product - Contents Page Draft

Draft 4 feedback: even though the contents page looks finished when placed with the other products due to it being dark and the other two having quite bright simplistic tonal background i plan to alter this meaning i will also alter the colours of the mast heads and the normal text so its  easy to read and the mast head is exactly the same throughout all of my products.

Draft 3 feedback: I need to add numbers to contents page to fit conventions of professional product

Draft 2 feedback: I have changed the background and removed the images to simplify the contents page to focus the purpose of the page. Also i have removed the glow on the titles.however i think the sub titles and text need to be altered so it is a blocked colour to again simplify it and make the text easier to read.

Draft 1 feedback: The colours look brown for some reason so i will need to resolve this as it isn't part of my colour scheme. Also the pictures don't look right so i need to alter this. The font follows my house scheme but i think it looks like it is out of place.

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Main Product - Front Cover Drafts

Draft 1 feed back: This is the initial slightly edited image i took for my front cover, however i think it is took dark. I think the mast head looks good and very professional for my genre but needs to be larger to make a bigger impact.

Draft 2 feed back: This draft now has been made lighter and some information has been added but again the mast head is too small and more information needs to be added.

Draft 3 feed back: I think the bar-code even though it challenges convention and is portrait it needs to be moves further down the page. Also the text covering the models eye line should be moved to create a clear line of sight across the page.

Monday 2 February 2015

Main Product front Cover Image Plan

Main Product - Image After Effects

Image Editing

When taking my images I tried to remove objects leaving the subject in front of a simple background. Therefore I had to remove background objects by using Photoshop (using clone and brush tools), also part of the subjects arm was cut off in the image so I has to rebuild it using the clone, brush and burn tool to create shadow.

Before:                                                                                      After:

Saturday 31 January 2015

Main Product - Colour pallete

Colour Palette:


Red is the colour of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, strength, power, determination. It is a very emotionally intense colour. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure. It has very high visibility, which is why stop signs, stoplights, and fire equipment are usually painted red. Red brings text and images to the foreground. Use it as an accent colour to stimulate people to make quick decisions; it is a perfect colour for 'Buy Now' or 'Click Here' buttons on Internet banners and websites.


White is associated with light and goodness. It is considered to be the colour of perfection. It means safety, purity, and cleanliness. As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. White can represents success.


black is associated with power, elegance, formality and mystery such as EDM is a mystery to what will come next .It represents strength and authority; it is considered to be a very formal, elegant, and prestigious colour. Black contrasts well with bright colours. Combined with red or orange – other very powerful colours – black gives a very aggressive colour scheme.

Friday 30 January 2015

Main Product - Register Of Language

Register of Language:

The magazines I analysed used technical language which readers with an interest in the genre would understand such as the music styles under the head genre of EDM such as; future house, deep house, progressive house, trance etc. However abbreviations such as “ADE” are used on the front covers to speed up how fast people can scan the page. I plan to use formal language in my product and use technical terms.

Thursday 29 January 2015

Main Product - Layout Plan


The front cover layout is a column format with an image separating the columns; this is a conventional layout for a front cover of a magazine. The image will take up a majority of the page therefore making readers feel as if there isn’t much to read and it is quickly processed when they scan the page. This is due to eyes following lines made by the blocks of text in columns.

The contents page layout goes against conventional newspaper style columns and I decided to use horizontal columns as I believe this would make the information easier to read. This is due to the fact that people read from left to right. I tried to break up the page using images in the top right and bottom left corners. I thought this would make the page less overwhelming.

The double page spread layout is very minimal which is intended as I didn’t want readers to focus on anything else but the DJ which is intended to be the main focus of this issue. Therefore I took up a large majority of the two pages with an image of the subject and then places to small text boxes in opposite corners to draw the eyes in a diagonal style across and down the page.

Wednesday 28 January 2015

Main Product - Representations


My magazine represents the age bracket I have tried to target; I have constructed this representation by:

Young image subject – This gives readers someone to relate to such as Martin Garrix who also started at a young age and as a result of this he has a huge fan base. Younger stars also cause interest by older DJ’s and people are interested in where they are from and how they have achieved their dream. Therefore by doing this more people will want to buy the magazine which will help my magazine be a successful product. The models hair cut

The sound wave outline makes it look slightly informal due to the rough divide it creates between blocks of text; this however still looks professional due to the genre the magazine is focused upon and EDM is all about new styles and being different so I have therefore tried to go again the convention of looking clean and professional.

Props – The use headphones

Costume – The fact that the model is wearing a clean white, casual t shirt follows conventions of having quite bland plain clothing. Additionally DJ’s usually select clothing dependent upon their music style. Therefore the clothing suggests the DJ plays and produces tracks with a common clean style however the t shirt is creased showing how the DJ has a rough side to his music tracks. The branding of the t-shirt is Hollister which people associate with an American lifestyle. It is owned by Abercrombie & Fitch Co. The brands designs were intended to attract consumers aged 14–18, at a lower price point than the parent brand. It was ranked as the second most preferred clothing brand of US teens with proves it can be noticed and identified by young readers therefore creating a link between the DJ and readers of a younger audience.

The positioning of the subject looking away from the camera represents the thought process and goals which all DJ’s have which isn’t to focus upon becoming famous but to follow their passion for music; this allows the readers to relate to the star. His expression looks slightly sad and moody which is a convention used by all EDM.

Monday 26 January 2015

Main Product - Mast Head Fonts Selection

Font Selection

The reason I chose the third font is due to target market research that I completed which showed me that it appealed to a younger audience and had a stronger futuristic, modern appeal. I aimed to create something that was up to date and presented the futuristic scene which is used at EDM festivals and gigs across the globe by giving a certain number of free magazines to distribute at festivals.

Friday 23 January 2015

Main Product - Name Selection

Magazine Names:


2. TranceTimes

3. Bassline Magazine

The reason I chose to select the name “EDMagazine” was due to it instantly allowing buyers to identify what genre of music it is about. Commonly only people who have a strong interest in EDM understand what it means and what it stands for. This allows me to ensure only my target audience purchase it.

Thursday 22 January 2015

Main Product - Target Audience

Target Audience Research:
The majority of people that were willing to purchase my magazine were males who were in the age range of 16-20, as they are the common subscribers to magazines. Men were also willing to pay more than women due to them having a stronger interest in EDM (electronic dance music).
Due to them being willing to pay more and having a stronger interest in the genre I plan to target my magazine at young men in order to ensure I have a successful product.

Contents Research:

From my contents research survey I established that readers would be interested in the majority of topics which have the minimum amount of texts. Therefore I will try to keep the pages quite simple where possible in order to maintain the reads focus. The readers would be interested in all the topics I suggested and therefore I will include as many as possible to please the buyers. 

Sunday 18 January 2015

Main Product - Genre Selection

Genre choice:
I have chosen the music genre of EDM which stands for electronic dance music. EDM is an overview of a variety of minor genres such as deep house, big room, techno, and trance. I have done this as EDM is slowly becoming a hit. Statistics of tomorrow land (the biggest EDM festival in the world).
·         Tomorrowland 2009 took place on July 25 and 26 and attracted 90,000 people.
·         Tomorrowland 2011 was completely sold out and had over 180,000 visitors.
This rise of 90,000 visitor in just 2 years shows how quickly its becoming popular and in result means my magazine will be one of the few magazine available meanings I would have less competitors against an ever growing crowd.

This is shown here in an image comparing 2005 Tomorrowland with 2013 Tomrrowland