Wednesday 28 January 2015

Main Product - Representations


My magazine represents the age bracket I have tried to target; I have constructed this representation by:

Young image subject – This gives readers someone to relate to such as Martin Garrix who also started at a young age and as a result of this he has a huge fan base. Younger stars also cause interest by older DJ’s and people are interested in where they are from and how they have achieved their dream. Therefore by doing this more people will want to buy the magazine which will help my magazine be a successful product. The models hair cut

The sound wave outline makes it look slightly informal due to the rough divide it creates between blocks of text; this however still looks professional due to the genre the magazine is focused upon and EDM is all about new styles and being different so I have therefore tried to go again the convention of looking clean and professional.

Props – The use headphones

Costume – The fact that the model is wearing a clean white, casual t shirt follows conventions of having quite bland plain clothing. Additionally DJ’s usually select clothing dependent upon their music style. Therefore the clothing suggests the DJ plays and produces tracks with a common clean style however the t shirt is creased showing how the DJ has a rough side to his music tracks. The branding of the t-shirt is Hollister which people associate with an American lifestyle. It is owned by Abercrombie & Fitch Co. The brands designs were intended to attract consumers aged 14–18, at a lower price point than the parent brand. It was ranked as the second most preferred clothing brand of US teens with proves it can be noticed and identified by young readers therefore creating a link between the DJ and readers of a younger audience.

The positioning of the subject looking away from the camera represents the thought process and goals which all DJ’s have which isn’t to focus upon becoming famous but to follow their passion for music; this allows the readers to relate to the star. His expression looks slightly sad and moody which is a convention used by all EDM.

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