Sunday 4 January 2015

Preliminary Product - Image Plan

Callum P
Camera height/angle/distance:
Medium close up image, taken from shoulder height, from a reasonable distance away. This will include all of the upper body showing the uniform to readers in order to give the school a formal representation.
On the school site outside to create good lighting.
Mise-en-scene (Including props , costume) :
The costume will be the sixth form uniform and all other objects will be omitted to prevent any distractions from the subject.
Attempted Connotation:
A culture of success and formality.
Planned Denotation:
A posing student facing the camera. Looking reasonably happy. The student must be smart and formal to put across the schools primness.
Contingency (in case of model absence/weather):
Choose another suitable model and take images within the building.
Alternate angle:
Wide angle shot with the main subject surrounded by other passing pupils.
Thinking points:
If the images have to be taken in doors artificial light may be needed.

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