Tuesday 6 January 2015

Preliminary Product - Genre conventions

Genre Convention:

The school magazines I analysed followed usual conventions, they consisted of:

Ø  Sell lines – the motifs of the school are presented to give readers an impression of the schools morals and what it tries to support around school.

Ø  A clean crisp font – This in effect makes the magazine quickly identified by anyone who sees the front cover.

Ø  Simple image presenting the schools uniform and formality. Additionally if they were attractive the readers would be drawn to the magazine.

Ø  Colour schemes which mirror the colour scheme of the school. The colours usually are bright which is a common feature used by magazines to catch the reader’s attention. Furthermore this would quickly enable people to recognise which school the magazine has been produced by.

Ø  Stories which appeal to both parents and the students

Ø  The price (free).

Ø  Masthead – the convention of using a mast head is done to allow reader/ buyers to categorize the magazine and therefore identify what the magazines contents is related to.

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