Thursday 29 January 2015

Main Product - Layout Plan


The front cover layout is a column format with an image separating the columns; this is a conventional layout for a front cover of a magazine. The image will take up a majority of the page therefore making readers feel as if there isn’t much to read and it is quickly processed when they scan the page. This is due to eyes following lines made by the blocks of text in columns.

The contents page layout goes against conventional newspaper style columns and I decided to use horizontal columns as I believe this would make the information easier to read. This is due to the fact that people read from left to right. I tried to break up the page using images in the top right and bottom left corners. I thought this would make the page less overwhelming.

The double page spread layout is very minimal which is intended as I didn’t want readers to focus on anything else but the DJ which is intended to be the main focus of this issue. Therefore I took up a large majority of the two pages with an image of the subject and then places to small text boxes in opposite corners to draw the eyes in a diagonal style across and down the page.

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